Wednesday, 31 December 2008


I am not able to upload the original power point  which has sound and other effects .
this is the best i could do . I am open to advice as to how to upload these without distorting .will apreciate any help
see link below and download the file.

A Day of Reflection .....

It was a productive day today,Alhamdulillah .Managed to  finally finish our project on electricity .We decided to shift our  class room upstairs as it was extremely cold downstairs ..despite high heating (wood floor i guess).little J worked on his 5 times table and spellings (as  he enjoys  doing it ).M did his metal maths very well even though  it was challenging ,Alhamdulillah .
As they finished their work on time I promised them that I would take them for walk to the corner shop although  it was  a  freezing cold day .But Alhamdulillah it was worth it .Once we were up and out it wasn't  that bad .
SubhanaAllah ,it was a learning experience .As children  are generally   inquisitive, learning can be done anywhere .We talked  about Allah's creations, how barren and dead the trees are now and how Allah revives life back again .


We  often fail to appreciate the beauty of nature which would help us  to remember Allah .we are living in time of WWW.(wildly whizzing world ).No time to think or reflect. This applies to me first and formost  .
Time for treat ,they each got to buy something from the shop .
After we returned dh helped M to finish his project .As i previously mentioned before that we usually do projects in the form of lapbooks .We wanted to do it differently this time .So chose to do it in the power point presentation .This project took us a while as we were learning  ICT (ppt)and about electricity at the same time  . so it dragged on a bit .M and I have  learnt a huge amount from this as I am not an expert at computers .

Lets not forget our brothers and sisters suffering in the other side of the world (Gaza),May Allah alleviate  their sufferings  and hardship Ameen !!!