The last fortnight we were busy spring cleaning .SubhanAllah unbelievable how much junk we hoard .Still there is lot more to be done InshaAllah .
We have been working on our volcano lapbook ,Alhamdulillah almost coming to the end .I have to agree I always seem to take my time in finishing these projects .We are also on our way in constructing a volcano in the process -paper mac he'.
Today J has been working on his Singapore English workbook .I find it too basic and not challenging enough as the Singapore maths ,but i choose parts of it thats interesting .J had to write the story looking at the picture and construct proper sentence.
So to feed his enthusiasm i give him a small reward if he memorised .Successfully he has done the 2 and 3 times table and working hard on the 4Th.
As i mentioned before ,for Arabic we are working on animals mentioned in the Quran .I decided to do this a bit different in a book form .As you can see in the picture the information on the left hand side is some facts about the animal and the one on the right is the verse mentioned in the Quran about the animal .And the green coloured paper is where they practise writing the word .
The print outs are from the site:
Doing this way we also get to discuss the tafsir of the quran related to the animal .